Saturday 13 August 2011

what a sad love story T_T

Hi Mr K,

I have few questions to ask you.

So, here's the story. I had a boyfriend, we were together for almost three years and we eventually broke up, last year. Itu pun sebab ada third party and my ex is a jerk anyway. Biasa la lelaki kan pandai berlakon. (Ouch!)

Kitorang belajar dekat US masa mula-mula kenal and became official and then he decided untuk quit medicine dekat US, and continue dekat Malaysia. He convinced me to go back with him, so I did. -.-" So, kitorang sambung dekat UM, took the same course, same class, same everything. First year and second year, semua okay, happy, fireworks, bahagia. Semua lah. *rolling eyes*

Then masa early part 4, ada one extender, girl masuk kelas kitorang. Pretty, blonde malay girl. Memang HOT. Then, i noticed few differences dekat my ex-boyfriend. Dia selalu penat, mengantuk, pastu selalu tertidur dalam kelas. BUT, he never neglected me, setiap hari study sama-sama, lunch, dinner sama-sama. Emotionally, he didn't change. We were still happy, all lovey dovey. So one day, i ternampak marks dekat his neck, macam lovebite so asked him, kenapa macam ada lovebite dekat tengkuk dia, and dia jawab "Kena gigit serangga" so i believed him. (Rupanya serangga tu rambut blonde)

Then comes Ramadhan few weeks later, hati I macam rasa lain eventhough he didn't change a bit. I felt different like something is wrong with my ex. One day, tiba-tiba dia bagi gift and I can see the guilt from his face but I don't know why. Strange. So, i prayed and mintak Allah tunjukkan apa yang I tak nampak selama ni. and guess what, during the second week of Ramadhan, dia kantoi.

As usual we went to berbuka and straight to Masjid for Tarawikh together, but suddenly he became sooo quiet; muka dia macam sedih, bersalah pun ada, serabutt sangat padahal baru je lepas solat. I dah pelik. Then he sent me back to my hostel, and then my roommates tell me everything.

My ex-boyfriend dah keluar dengan that blonde girl for almost a month. Dia selalu penat and ngantuk masa dalam kelas sebab dia kena spend time with both girls. Lepas dia hantar I balik, dia pick up that girl. Vice versa. siang dengan I, malam dengan that girl. Me and her duduk sama-sama hostel. Just Imagine. That guy got some balls to do that.

Semua orang in my class pun dah tau except me. I was devastated, bayangkan semua orang in my class have to keep it from me for almost a month sebab dorang tak sampai hati nak cerita dekat i. I was crushed, but i felt relieved somehow. Macam Allah answered my prayer, Subhanallah. So, i texted him and tell him that i want to end our relationship and as expected, he agrees with everything. He said sorry, but I don't think he mean it. And the lovebite i saw, it was her, my classmate.

And it ended right there, I tak pernah confront perempuan tu, I didn't talk to my ex-boyfriend after that because I just feel like it's not worth it, not worth fighting and now, I'm so glad i did that, I did nothing.

So, Mr K,

  1. Kenapa ada sesetengah lelaki, yang taknak bagi tau girlfriend dia the truth yang dia dah bosan, fed up, muak dengan girlfriend dia and he wants to move on with someone else?
  2. What can i do to banish him completely from my mind?
  3. How is it possible that someone yang Solat penuh lima waktu, do such things as check in into hotel, ringan-ringan, geli-geli dan bermacam2 lagi?
  4. Why lelaki, suka suruh girlfriend dia tutup aurat, pakai sopan-sopan, tapi dia pergi menggatal dengan awek yang free hair, seksi?

Why Mr K, why?

credit to:

takotnye jadi cm that girl...kita percaya kat bf kita, smpi bertahun2, rupenye dye tipu dgn mudahnye...hope it will not happen to me..sumpah aq nangis doh tyme baca cite kat atas 2...x kesah la kalo korg x rasa sedey lgsg even x terasa patot nk kesian pon kat girl aq RASA sgt weh...korg mesti xnk org yg korg syg giler punya cinta tahap gaban smpi rasa 'without u, im nothing' wat cm pe yg bf girl ni wat..kalo aq lah, i cant stand it lg sanggop mati kot dr terus tgk muka dua2 ekor setan(bf girl 2 n dat blond girl) tuh..giler kental n bersemangat waja girl ni teruskn hidop even 2ekor setan 2 still ad dpn mmg tabik lah..*smpi skrg masih berair hidung sbb tacing sgt

alhamdulillah la aq mmg x prnh rasa lg bnd cmni..bersyukur sgt..(hope mmg xkn rasa la)..sbb aq ni mmg, obviously dan ketara sesangat lembut=lemah=lembik hati giler..coz setakat ni yg aq prnh rasa cume si kurus aq add girl len yg hot kat fb + ad girl yg menggatal nk puji2, carik2 si kurus, ITU JE pon dh wat aq rasa down giler nak mampus tahap x nk hidup ntah lg kalo aq rasa cm girl ni kne..mmg aq x tau nk watpe lah weh..

so kalo korg nk tau pe yg mr.k tu jwb soalan girl ni, g lah blog dye..n read it urself sbb xlarat lah weh nk copy paste ayt org beribu lemon pon aq amek without notice kat mr.k tu n mmg kira mencuri lah nk wat cmne, rmi sgt org komen kat page psl nih..stkt nk copy, aq agk mr.k ni x heran kot..(mmg pndi kn aq wat andian sendiri) tp, yg aq x puas ati sgt tuh, mr.k ni mmg teramat sangatlah kejam jwpn dye..asyik2 nk menangkn kaum dye je..mcm la girls are always wrong at anytyme..nway, ayat2 dye tu mayb ada betulnye gak.dye laki kn, so mestilah dye tau pe perasaan n pendapat laki psl bnd alah ni..dan, jwpn dye tu gak wat girl consider yg sbb tu bf aq cm tu kot or girl akn rasa ptotlah bf aq cm tu(apesal cm sama je mksd dye??)..patot ke weh??adil ke laki je bley terasa nk tamak+try and error lah bagai??girl x bleh???aq bkn tny sbb aq nk, tp aq nk keadilan beb..mmg x adil lgsg kalo laki je fkr diorg nk bnd tuh, then girl x bleh!!DISKRIMINASI GILA beb...haish ok, till meet next post(nk redakan ketidakpuasan hati dgn mengaji)